Gender Equality Plan Draft


  1. Introduction
  2. Personnel photography
  3. Action areas
    a) Promoting female representation at all levels of employment
    b) Promoting and supporting women in the workplace
    c) Promoting work-life balance
    d) Managing the emergence of non-binary identities

1. Introduction

*Description of the company*

*History of the company”

In recent years, the company has achieved growth and development in several areas:

*Area name*

*Description of activities made by the company in this type of area”

*Company name* activities do not have any gender specificity, which is never requested or considered as a criterion, explicit or implicit in team selection and training. Staff will never be asked to specify the binary or non-binary nature of their sexual identity. Should non-binary identities emerge for any reason, these will be handled without any difference or formalisation from other workers.

2. Personnel photography

    At the date of writing of this plan, *company name* has an operational staff of *number* people, of whom *number* are employees.

    The administrative function is covered by *number* persons, *number* man and *number* woman.

    The technical function is covered by *number* people, *number* manager, male/female, *number” workshop technicians, male/female, *number* research specialists with varying degrees of experience (*number* men and *number* women).

    Translated into percentages:

    Management: *number* man (*number*% women)

    Administrative function: *number* employees (*number*% women)

    Technical function, workshop: *number* technicians (*number*% women)

    Technical function, design: *number* research specialists (*number*% women)

    Total staff: *number* people (*number*% women)

    Regarding salary, unequal treatment is monitored through a pay equity index determined as follows:

    average female component salary / average male salary * 100

    Pay equity index:

    Technical function, design: *number*

    Total staff including manager: *number*

    Total staff, excluding manager: *number*

    Comparison with the benchmark

    In the absence of employment indices that make it easy to compare the *company name* company situation with the general average situation, the *university name*, the main selection pool for new recruits, is taken as a reference. In *year*, the number of female graduate is *number*%, much lower than the *number*% achieved by *company name* in *year*.

    Regarding wage discrimination, we take as reference the ‘Gender Gap Report *year*’ drawn up by the JobPricing Observatory, which consolidates an average pay equity index for graduates of *number* against the substantial pay equity found in *company name*.

    3. Action areas

    *Company name* pursues gender equality through the following actions:

    a. Promoting female representation at all levels of employment

      Organising selection procedures for new staff that allow an adequate number of female applicants to be assessed so that an equal number of female and male applicants can be subjected to motivational interviews first and then technical interviews.

      Removing organisational, pay and professional development entry barriers that may in any way be gender-selective.

      Defining roles and tasks that are always gender-independent by subjecting them to internal and external evaluation by female figures.

      To this end, an internal person (selected from within the female component of the workforce) and an external person familiar with the *company name* company reality are appointed to receive comments and suggestions to make this action effective.

      b. Promoting and supporting women in the workplace

      Removing organisational and cultural barriers in the professional development offered to women.

      Systematically monitoring any gender gaps in the creation of specific work teams, in salaries and in professional and coordination assignments.

      Monitoring equity in staff training and development plans

      c. Promoting work-life balance for men and women

      The general objective is to make the work and personal spheres more compatible by allowing individual needs, both family management and professional growth and satisfaction, to be reconciled with the organisational requirements of a complex structure such as ours. The expected result is to improve the quality of life of male and female workers and at the same time the work dynamics.

      Implementation of Agile Working (Smart Working), understood as an organisational solution that allows the partial performance of work in a place other than the place of assignment. The aim is to facilitate a proper balance between life-time management and organisational needs.

      Introducing specific elements of timetable flexibility to manage situations that could lead to gender inequalities.

      Not limiting flexibility elements to gender in order to facilitate joint family management needs and not to create indirect discrimination (i.e. flexibility, part time, smart working are accessible to the same extent to male and female staff).

      Avoiding creating situations of personal organisational difficulties, both direct and indirect, in the organisation of work trips and periodic company events (e.g. company party).

      Intercepting critical issues using the employee satisfaction questionnaire tool.

      d. Managing the emergence of non-binary identities

      The aim is not to create any kind of barrier to the professional development of non-binary identities.

      If necessary, monitor any pay inequalities through the pay equity index.

      Intercepting critical issues using the employee satisfaction questionnaire tool.

      In no procedure will I*company name* require such identification and even if known it will not be used for any purpose.


      Internal company contact person: *name*
      External contact person: *name*

      Approved by the shareholders’ meeting on *date*




      Promoting female representation at all levels of employmentEqui-composed new staff selection base  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*%F on technical interviews>*number*%
      Identification of barriers and obstacles  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes* *colouring if yes* *name*Number of suggested interventions>*number*
      Implementing solutions to remove barriers  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*% implemented interventions*number*%
      Promoting and supporting women in the workplaceMonitoring internal team composition  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Utilizzo personale F nei Using F personnel in teams>*number*% of total workforce
      Monitoring Horizon project team composition  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*% F in Horizon teams>*number*%
      Pay equity index monitoring  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Pay equity index>*number* n technical function
      Monitoring number of training projects for professional development  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*L*name*Training plan coverage for F*number*%
      Corrective Actions  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*% implemented interventions*number*%
      Promoting work-life balanceImplementation of agile working  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Weekly hoursAverage >=*number*
      Implementation of timetable flexibility  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Ore Weekly hoursAverage >=*number*
      Monitoring  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Worker satisfaction index*number*negative feedback on gender management
      Managing non-binary identitiesMonitoring  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes*  *colouring if yes**name*Worker satisfaction index*number*negative feedback on gender management

      *City*, *date*